The Local Color Garden is located at Marineterrein in the city centre of Amsterdam. Marineterrein serves as a place for experimentation and collaboration to research and understand how the city can adapt to a fast-changing world. One of their experimentation pilots is ‘ParkxPark’, which explores what opportunities arise when 10.000 parking spots are removed throughout the city. Driven by the need to create more space for bike lanes, sidewalks and greenery Amsterdam will continue doing so in 2025.
To understand what’s possible ‘ParkxPark’ held an open call for creative ideas to repurpose these urban spaces. Ten local makers, institutes, designers, and citizens were chosen to develop their green oases at Marineterrein – including the Local Color Garden – now in its second year.
Covering 25 square meters, the Local Color Garden at Marineterrein is publicly accessible and plays a great role in the project’s research efforts. It serves as a living laboratory where field research and data collection on the cultivation of biochromes in an urban context take place. Dye plants are grown, harvested, and used as dye matter in the dye experiments in the lab. More importantly, the garden provides the opportunity to test the concept of urban resource production with its target audience, offering valuable insights into public perceptions and reactions to growing biochromes within the city. Observations, experiences, and other findings from the Local Color Garden are documented in field reports.