dyer‘s chamomile

dyer‘s chamomile I anthemis tinctoria

matter: flowers

yellow |  green 

WoF: 30% – dry

alternates: previously also identified as Cota tinctoria



Are you in need of some relaxation? The bright yellow flowers of this plant are perfect for brewing a relaxing cup of tea. But as the name already implies, dyers chamomile has historically also been used for another purpose: dyeing textiles. This daisy-type plant is originated from southern, eastern, and central Europe. It grows two feet tall and is not opposed to growing on a nutrient-deficient soil.

Besides relaxation, chamomile has many other medical uses. It is used as an antiallergic, an antioxidant and to relieve pain. The plant also has anti-inflammatory properties which can help assist in healing wounds. It is also said that ingesting the plant can have some interesting effects. It can induce perspiration, can cause vomiting, and blistering, and can even stimulate menstrual flow.

As a gift, the plant represents joy, positivity, happiness, and calmness.











planting period
late March- early May
(after last frost date)

harvest period
late spring-early summer till end of summer

pH 7-8
adaptive to a wide range of pH levels including mild alkaline conditions

full sun

every 2-3 days in well-drained soil

0.3 cm deep + lightly covered with soil
30-45 cm apart







It´s recommended to soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours before sowing. This should help soften the seed coat and encourage germination. Sprinkle the seeds evenly onto the surface and lightly press them for good soil contact, yet avoid burying them as they need light to germinate. A thin coating of fine soil can however help maintain moisture. 

remove weeds, competing with the plant for nutrients and water.
mulching: Cover the base of the plants with a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, helping to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
division: Over its lifetime the plant might form clumps. To prevent this overcrowding, consider dividing such every few years. Herefore, carefully dig up the clump, (during early spring or fall), to separate into smaller sections so every section still has roots and healthy shoots. Then replant the single divisions into prepared soil.
pruning: To maintain the plant’s shape and encourage compact and even growth, trim the plant after the flowering season. Cutting back the spent flower stems helps achieve a tidy appearance and potentially encourages a second flush of blooms. 

flower harvest
Deadhead the fully developed flowers regularly to increase continuous blooming, leading to more dye matter within one blooming cycle as well as preventing self-seeding. Therefore, place two fingers below the flower crown and apply soft pressure upwards till the flower snaps off close to the stem. Use the flowers right away or place them onto an absorbing towel to dry before storing them. 



mordant dyes

wool, alum