she makes dye process


a systemic view on colorful processes

colorful processes beyond time and space boundaries, mutating through technology and (al)chemical discoveries

In local color, dye processes represent methodological flows from dye matter to colouring matter all the way to dyed fibers.

Flowing through harvesting, steeping, mordanting, fermenting and oxidating processes, raw colors undergo a multiplicity of processes in order to become applicable to fibers – these processes became more streamlined in the last couple centuries – but by standardising procedures, which other processes got forgotten? 

TextileLab re-explores alternative processes throughout the local color project – in terms of dye processes – this takes shape into a collective memory mapping of current practices, at all different scales, for all different types of approaches.

The maps created will be published as an ever growing and always expanding collection of possibilities in the ever lasting research to alternative paths that are sustainable in a specific given context and period of time.

Botanical growth processes

from seed to plant, from plant to dye matter

Bacteria growth processes

from bioLab to dyed cloth, bacteria, fungi and other micro-organisms grow on textiles for infinite patterns

Processing living matter

from living material to ready for use coloring matter

Fiber preparation processes

From tannins to mordants to scouring

Dye processes

From coloring matter to dyes to inks to pigments to printing pastes