intangible links supporting transitions

Through this lens we explore different cultural aspects that are needed to support the creation of this local value chain. We also look at our culture and belief systems that form the starting point for the research questions we formulate. We try to be aware of our way of looking at the world, and formulate research questions off the beaten track.

Culture is a very broad term, entailing a lot of different components. With our TextileLab approach and values as a starting point, we capture stories, compile a glossary and organise events. With all these parts we want to paint a picture of a culture that fosters collaboration, care and holistic thinking. One that helps us see alternative possibilities.


interviews, thoughts and narratives for change

Stories are at the heart of each and every transition.

Although nature does not care where one species ends and another begins, humans have always categorised and named the natural world to make sense of it. The way research is defined and the way knowledge is shared, is strongly embedded in our culture and our beliefs and values concerning the natural world. Do we have a merely mechanical, reductionist and objective approach, or can we embrace and value a sense of wonder, intuition and care in our research?

Humans have always told stories as a way to transfer hard won wisdom. This can go hand in hand with (scientific) knowledge and reinforce each other. What are the stories we want to tell when it comes to growing local color? The stories in local color bind individual perspectives to the intangible fabric of Amsterdam. Together they cultivate a collective understanding of desired change. These stories showcase the perspectives of different researchers, artists, thinkers and practitioners taking action and supporting change, each in their own way, all contributing to a slow transition towards a healthier society.


deep dive into Amsterdam's color stories

read from and about practitioners, researchers, dyers, artists and thinkers


lets talk about color and change

Language is an important component of culture and undoubtedly our means to communicate with each other and exchange knowledge, define relations, and describe processes and materials. Through language we can involve each other in research, express how we see and understand things and take steps forward together.

The local color glossary captures different aspects of the change that we foresee. One that bridges between “mordant” and “in-between greens”; or “germination” and “enabling environments”, uncovering how we speak about seeing the world around us, which processes we use and which materials we choose. From dye experts to plant carers, systemic thinkers or community leads; we learn from one another everyday, and create a collection of words that are part and parcel of this.

discover the always growing glossary

defining the local color world, one word at the time


involving & enabling to foster change together

Within Local Color we organise meet-ups in a range of different formats, from expert meetings and mappings to talks and presentations by creatives, practitioners and scientists, all the way to historical walks around various parts of Amsterdam. These meet-ups feed into the stories, glossary and the network of people working together in this field.

The holistic approach of local color and the TextileLab model is reflected in the meet-ups. These often happen “cross-lens”, bridging different perspectives to stimulate continuity and change, and showing how all these different areas are connected and influence each other.

Explore the meet-ups & other events

contributing perspectives for a shared vision of local color